This conceptual exhibition held by the Velychko Gallery was titled « Transformative Identities” and was curated by an international cast of artists; Jérôme Dupré la Tour (France), Stella Kapezanou (Greece), Michalis Papamichael (Cyprus) and Olga Stein (Ukraine) and the curator Dimitrios S. Spyrou (Athens).

The works were displayed in two galleries in Cyprus on summer 2023 :
MeMeraki Residency – Limassol, CY
Minthis Gallery – Tsada, Paphos, CY
These exhibitions are the conceptual result of the International Art Residency in Cyprus CARV_23. One of the primary objectives of CARV is to foster the exchange of cultural experiences among artists, creating a space for mutual enrichment.
“A developmental path of the self that continuously transforms personal, social and cultural identity. Four artists deal with the multifaceted process of self-determination and identity formulation through migration.”
— Dimitrios S. Spyrou, The Curator
Viktoriia Velychko and the SPM company deeply held the whole residency program CARV23 and exhibitions :
Velychko.Gallery website
Velychko.Gallery on
Press releases :
Kathimerini Cyprus